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My Longarm machine is a Gammill Statler Stitcher. 

Edge to Edge designs are stitched across the entire quilt top in rows, repeating edge to edge all the way to the bottom.
Edge to edge designs are .025 cents per square inch.  

To figure your cost, multiply length times width to find your square inch measurement.  There is a minimum charge of $50.

I carry 100% Cotton Quilters Dream Select batting or you may supply your own.

Things you need to know BEFORE you send your quilt top to the Longarmer:
* DO NOT pin, baste or join the layers in any way.
* Make sure your seams and stitches are secure.
* Trim all excess threads, top and backing
* Remove all selvage edges.
* Make sure your quilt has no wavy borders
* Press your quilt top and backing, make sure all seams are flat.
* Backing MUST be 6 inches wider and 6 inches longer than quilt top.
Ex: If your quilt top measures 50" x 75", your backing must be at least 56" x 85".

If you have any questions, please email me at